Bachelor thesis: Experiences with the AKTIVLINE

A quantitative study of the experiences of direct caregivers with a child/young person with infantile cerebral palsy in everyday life with the AKTIVLINE
by Janina Markwald and Ina Middeldorf – Hogeschool Zuyd Heerlen Netherlands
Task definition

The quantitative study deals with the experiences of the responsible caregivers of ICP patients in everyday life with an AKTIVLINE. The AKTIVLINE from interco GmbH is a dynamic seating system specially developed for children and adolescents with ICP. The aim of the study is to analyze experiences with the use of AKTIVLINE and to develop possible suggestions for improvement.


The chosen design of this study is quantitative with some qualitative aspects. To answer the central research question, 298 responsible supervisors of an AKTIVLINE user were surveyed in writing using a questionnaire; the response rate was 107. The results of the open questions were evaluated and analyzed using Mayring’s qualitative content analysis method. The results of the closed questions were statistically analyzed.


Overall, the AKTIVLINE offers good everyday support and the caregivers are satisfied with the user’s sitting position and the dynamic sitting function. The AKTIVLINE has a positive effect on the patient and can be easily integrated into everyday life. However, some people also find it heavy and large and prone to repairs.


Some of the problem aspects of the AKTIVLINE mentioned are certainly influenced by the clinical picture of ICP and therefore show their effects. Handling errors or ignorance can also be reasons for defects in the AKTIVLINE or cause restrictions in everyday life. A further study on the effects on the patient himself is recommended.


Dynamic sitting, ICP, AKTIVLINE, everyday life, caregiver 

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